Technology Resources

ARC has a direct T-1 Internet connection for both data and voice services. The ARC computer network links directly with the Internet on a 24 hour, on-line basis. Security is provided through a firewall created by our Internet service provider. ARC staff can manage your web domain, domain name services and staff and general emails. Each ARC staff member also has a direct e-mail address.


ARC maintains the latest version of all software for client use including the Microsoft Office Suite (cloud based), QuickBooks, FileMaker Pro (for databases) and other software as needed to conduct client activities.

Web Site Development and Hosting

ARC strives to have all client web sites be content driven (easily updated by staff), serve as the web-based location of all member data (updatable by the member and staff), and the location of all eCommerce activities for our clients including membership dues, registration fees and product purchases. ARC assists with all content updates to client web sites, and can aid in development or redevelopment by request.

Client web sites are typically hosted through ARC for an additional fee to provide each site enhanced hosting services including routine technical updates of the sites. Should the organization be interested in redesign of the site, our staff is happy to assist in the request for proposal and search for an adequate design firm. Access for posting information to client sites is limited to staff and authorized parties only. Routine maintenance and updating of the web site is included in the client fee.

Email Broadcast Lists

ARC manages most client email lists in-house using Constant Contact orĀ MailChimp, web based html broadcast email software systems. It is recommended that clients maintain a member list serve and use it, in conjunction with the client web site, to conduct frequent communication with members.